This section explains how to create and manage S3 buckets for a Qumulo cluster. These buckets expose a part of your Qumulo file system to applications that use the Amazon S3 API.

You can create and work with S3 buckets by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI. You can also use the S3 API directly.


To create and manage S3 buckets by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you need the following role-based access control (RBAC) privileges:

  • PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_WRITE: Create and delete S3 buckets

  • PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_READ: List S3 buckets

To create and manage S3 buckets by using the S3 API, you also need:

How S3 Buckets Map to the Qumulo File System

An S3 bucket exposes a portion of your Qumulo file system to applications that use the Amazon S3 API.

The bucket root directory (or bucket root) is the directory to which you attach an S3 bucket. All files under the bucket root directory (and all of its subdirectories) are objects in the bucket. The presence of the slash (/) in objects’ keys determines the directory hierarchy.

How the Qumulo File System Determines Object Keys

The object key in a Qumulo S3 bucket is its file system path, relative to the bucket’s root directory. Only objects that are directories have a trailing slash (/) in their keys.

The following example shows the contents of a Qumulo file system.

├── website-data/
│   └── publish.dat
└── application-data/
    ├── develop.dat
    ├── processing/
    └── deployment/
        ├── data1.dat
        └── data2.dat

In this example, if you have the S3 bucket bucket1 with its root directory at /application-data/deployment/, the bucket contains objects with the following keys:

  • data1.dat

  • data2.dat

However, if you have the S3 bucket bucket2 with its root directory at /application-data/, the bucket contains objects with the following keys:

  • develop.dat

  • processing/

  • deployment/data1.dat

  • deployment/data2.dat

How to Name an S3 Bucket

When you create an S3 bucket, you name it. A bucket’s name doesn’t need to be related to its root directory.

Except for names that contain the period (.), Qumulo Core accepts all names that conform to the following Amazon S3 bucket naming rules.

  • Bucket names must be between 3 and 63 characters long.

  • Bucket names can consist only of lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, and hyphens (-).

  • Bucket names must start with a letter or a number.

How to Choose a Bucket Root

You specify the bucket root directory depending on how you create your S3 bucket.

  • When you create an S3 bucket by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you can choose a directory to use as the bucket root.

  • When you create an S3 bucket by using the CreateBucket S3 API action, the API creates a new directory with the same name as the bucket under the default bucket directory prefix. For more information, see Configuring the Default Bucket Directory Prefix for S3 Buckets.

  • If you don’t specify a directory, the Qumulo Core REST API and qq CLI use the default bucket directory prefix.

The user that creates a new directory for a new bucket owns the directory. For more information, see Managing Access to S3 Buckets in a Qumulo Cluster.

Creating S3 Buckets

You can create an S3 bucket by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI. You can also use the S3 API directly.

While the Qumulo Core REST API and qq CLI let you use an existing directory as the new bucket root, the S3 API always creates a new directory for the bucket root.

Configuring the Default Bucket Directory Prefix for S3 Buckets

The default bucket directory prefix is the directory under which Qumulo Core creates new bucket root directories when it creates S3 buckets by using the CreateBucket S3 API action or when you create an S3 bucket without specifying a directory by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI.

By default, the default bucket directory prefix for newly created buckets is the cluster’s root directory (/). Thus, if you create a bucket named my-bucket, its root directory is /my-bucket.

  • To view the current default bucket directory prefix by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_READ privilege.

  • To change the default bucket directory prefix, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_WRITE privilege.

  • To enable or suspend S3 bucket versioning, use the qq s3_modify_bucket command.

To Configure the Default Bucket Directory Prefix by Using the qq CLI

  1. To view the current default bucket directory prefix, run the qq s3_get_settings command.

    The following is example output.

    {"enabled": true, "base_path": "/buckets/", ...}
  2. To change the setting, run the qq s3_modify_settings command and specify the new default bucket directory prefix. In the following example, we specify /buckets.

    $ qq s3_modify_settings \
      --base-path /buckets

Creating an S3 Bucket by Using the qq CLI

To create an S3 bucket by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_WRITE privilege.

When you use the qq CLI to create a bucket, you can use a new or existing directory as the bucket root.

  • To create a new, empty bucket from the default bucket directory prefix, run the qq s3_add_bucket command and specify the bucket name. For example:

    $ qq s3_add_bucket \
      --name my-bucket

    Qumulo Core creates a new directory named my-bucket under the default bucket directory prefix.

  • To create a bucket from an existing directory, run the qq s3_add_bucket command and specify the bucket name and the directory path. For example:

    $ qq s3_add_bucket \
      --name my-bucket \
      --fs-path /products/web/appliances/
  • To create a bucket for a path that doesn’t exist yet, specify the name and path and add the --create-fs-path flag. For example:

    $ qq s3_add_bucket \
      --name my-bucket \
      --fs-path /products/web/appliances/ \

Creating an S3 Bucket by Using the S3 API

Run the aws s3api create-bucket command and specify the bucket name. This command uses the CreateBucket S3 API action. For example:

$ aws s3api create-bucket \
  --bucket my-bucket

Qumulo Core creates the bucket root directory under the default bucket directory prefix and names it the same as the bucket. In this example, if the default bucket directory prefix is /buckets/, the new bucket root directory is /buckets/my-bucket/.

Configuring S3 Buckets

You can view and modify the settings for individual buckets by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI.

You can configure global settings, such as the default bucket directory prefix for all S3 buckets. For more information about configuring anonymous access for individual S3 buckets, see, see Enabling Anonymous Access for an S3 Bucket.

  • To view the current bucket configuration by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_READ privilege. For more information, see qq s3_get_bucket in the Qumulo qq CLI Command Guide.

  • To change the bucket configuration, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_WRITE privilege. For more information, see qq s3_modify_bucket in the Qumulo qq CLI Command Guide.

Enabling Object Lock for S3 Buckets

An Object Lock can prevent an S3 object from being deleted for a limited time or indefinitely. For information about file locks in Qumulo Core, see Managing File Locks.

To Enable Object Lock for an S3 Bucket by Using the qq CLI

  1. Use an account with the S3_BUCKETS_WRITE role-based access control (RBAC) role.

  2. Run the qq s3_modify_bucket command, specify the bucket name, and use the --enable-object-locking flag. For example:

$ qq s3_modify_bucket \
  --name my-bucket \

To Enable Object Lock for an S3 Bucket by Using the S3 API

  1. To enable versioning for your S3 bucket, use the PutBucketVersioning API action.

  2. To enable Object Lock for your S3 bucket, use the PutObjectLockConfiguration API action.

Listing S3 Buckets

You can list all S3 buckets in your Qumulo cluster by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI. You can also use the S3 API directly.

To List S3 Buckets by Using the qq CLI

To list your S3 buckets by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_READ privilege.

  • Run the qq s3_list_buckets command.

    The following is example output. All times are in the UTC time zone.

    name       creation_time                   path        versioning
    =========  ==============================  ==========  ===========
    my-bucket  2022-12-13T22:18:01.406433425Z  /my-bucket  Unversioned
  • For JSON output, use the --json flag.

    The following is example output. All times are in the UTC time zone. The JSON output contains an array named Buckets that contains the individual buckets as objects.

      "buckets": [
          "creation_time": "2022-12-13T22:18:01.406433425Z",
          "name": "my-bucket",
          "path": "/my-bucket",
          "versioning": "Unversioned"

To List S3 Buckets by Using the S3 API

Run the aws s3api list-buckets command. This command uses the ListBuckets S3 API action.

The following is example output. All times are in the UTC time zone. The JSON output contains an array named Buckets that contains the individual buckets as objects.

  "Buckets": [
      "Name": "my-bucket",
      "CreationDate": "2022-12-13T22:18:01.406Z"

Deleting S3 Buckets

You can delete an S3 bucket by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI. You can also use the S3 API directly.

While the Qumulo Core REST API and qq CLI let you choose whether to also delete the bucket root directory, the S3 API always deletes the bucket root directory.

Deleting an S3 Bucket by Using the qq CLI

To delete an S3 bucket by using the Qumulo REST API or qq CLI, you need the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_WRITE privilege.

When you use the qq CLI to delete a bucket, you can choose to also delete the bucket root directory.

  • To delete an S3 bucket, but not its root directory, run the qq s3_delete_bucket command and specify the bucket name. For example:

    $ qq s3_delete_bucket \
      --name my-bucket

    This command doesn’t delete the bucket root directory. It deletes all metadata related to the bucket from your Qumulo cluster.

    If any of the following conditions are true, the command returns an error:

    • The specified bucket doesn’t exist.

    • You don’t have the PRIVILEGE_S3_BUCKETS_WRITE privilege.

    • The bucket has in-progress upload operations (UploadPart, PutObject, or CopyObject).

  • To delete a bucket together with its root directory, use the qq s3_delete_bucket command, specify the bucket name, and use the --delete-root-dir flag. For example:

    $ qq s3_delete_bucket \
      --delete-root-dir \
      --name my-bucket

    If any of the following conditions are true, the command returns an error:

    • You don’t have permission to delete the bucket root directory.

    • The bucket root directory isn’t empty.

Deleting an S3 Bucket by Using the S3 API

Run the aws s3api delete-bucket command and specify the bucket name. This command uses the DeleteBucket S3 API action. For example:

$ aws s3api delete-bucket \
  --bucket my-bucket

This command deletes the bucket root directory and all metadata related to the bucket from your Qumulo cluster.

If any of the following conditions are true, the command returns an error:

  • The specified bucket doesn’t exist.

  • You don’t have permission to delete the bucket root directory.

  • The bucket root directory isn’t empty.

  • The bucket has in-progress upload operations (UploadPart, PutObject, or CopyObject).