This section explains how file locks, legal holds, and retention periods work in Qumulo Core. For information about working with S3 Object Lock, see Enabling Object Lock for S3 Buckets.

How File Locks Works in Qumulo Core

A file lock can prevent a regular file from being modified. There are two file lock types, both of which require the FS_FILE_LOCK_WRITE privilege.

  • Legal Hold: A file lock that you can enable for an indefinite time period. This file lock type is best suited for temporary scenarios.

  • Retention Period: A file lock that you can enable for a specific period of time by configuring a retention period which can be extended but never shortened or removed. This file lock type is best suited to locking files for a known time period.

For more information and examples of configuring file locks, see the following resources in the Qumulo qq CLI Command Guide:

How You Can Use File Locks to Implement the Write Once Read Many (WORM) Model

To lock any newly created file once the client finishes writing to it, you can watch for file attribute and directory changes by using REST. For example, you can use the child_data_written or child_size_change events. For more information, see SSE Payload Notification Types.

To implement the WORM model and maintain the file’s write-once integrity, use file locks to prevent any further modifications after the file becomes immutable following the initial write operation.