This section explains how to download and get started with the qq CLI.

The qq CLI is a powerful tool that lets you configure, manage, and administer Qumulo clusters.


The qq CLI works with Python 3.8 to 3.11.

Downloading or Installing the qq CLI

This section explains how to download the qq CLI from your Qumulo cluster or how to install it by using the Python SDK.

To Download and Run the qq CLI from Your Qumulo Cluster

  1. Log in to the Qumulo Core Web UI.

  2. Click APIs & Tools > Download qq Command-Line Tool for Python 3.8+

  3. Run the qq CLI.

    • On Linux or macOS, run the chmod +x qq command to make the qq CLI executable.

    • On Windows, use the python.exe interpreter to run the qq CLI.

To Install the qq CLI by Using the Python SDK

Run the pip install qumulo_api command.

Exploring Your Qumulo Cluster by Using the qq CLI

The best way to start exploring your Qumulo cluster by using the qq CLI is to learn about its most frequently used commands. For example:

  • qq login : Connect to the IP address of one of the nodes in your cluster and log in.
  • qq nodes_list : List information about the nodes in your cluster.
  • qq version : Show the version of Qumulo Core running on your cluster.
  • qq fs_read_dir : List the contents of a directory on your cluster.
  • qq fs_write : Write a file to a directory on your cluster.

To Run qq CLI from a Remote Machine

Run the qq login command and specify the IP address of one of the nodes in your cluster and your credentials. For example:

qq --host login \
  -u admin
  -p NW0bJbixtQcQzkq5q4sp

To Run qq CLI from a Node in Your Cluster

Use SSH to log in to one of the nodes in your cluster.