This section explains how to integrate Qumulo Core with Varonis by deploying Qumulo Broker.

Deploy Qumulo Broker on a stand-alone machine (or virtual machine) so that it sits between your Qumulo cluster and Varonis. For more information, see the Qumulo-Varonis integration architecture diagram.

Step 1: Prepare for Deploying Qumulo Broker

This section explains how to prepare your Qumulo Broker machine for deployment.

  1. Clone the Qumulo Broker repository from GitHub into the /opt/qumulo directory on your Qumulo Broker machine.

  2. To configure the system to use the MariaDB database, edit the /opt/qumulo/QumuloBroker/api/.env file and specify the values for the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_PASSWORD variables.

Step 2: Deploy the Qumulo Broker API Server

This section explains how to deploy Qumulo Broker on a standalone machine or virtual machine.

  1. Navigate to the /opt/qumulo/QumuloBroker/api/ directory on your Qumulo Broker machine.

  2. Ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your Qumulo Broker machine.

    docker version
    docker compose version
  3. To start the Docker containers, run the docker compose up -d command.

    The command creates the network and containers. The following is example output.

     ⠿ Network api_qumulo-net  Created      0.1s
     ⠿ Container api-db-1      Started      1.2s
     ⠿ Container api-web-1     Started      1.3s
     ⠿ Container api-proxy-1   Started      1.6s
  4. To view the status of running containers, run the docker ps command.

    The following is example output.

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED         
    1a234567b089   nginx:latest   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   6 seconds ago  
    a1234567bcde   api-web        "app/"            6 seconds ago   
    123ab45678cd   mariadb        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 seconds ago   
    STATUS         PORTS                                           NAMES
    Up 4 seconds   80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp   api-proxy-1
    Up 5 seconds>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp       api-web-1
    Up 5 seconds>3306/tcp, :::3306->3306/tcp       api-db-1
  5. To view the logs of a specific container, run the docker logs <container-id> command.

You can now configure Varonis to communicate with your Qumulo cluster.

Step 3: Configure Qumulo Audit Logging by Using the qq CLI

This section explains how to configure audit logging on your Qumulo cluster.

  1. To configure audit logging on your Qumulo cluster, run the qq audit_set_syslog_config command with the --enable flag, use the --json flag to request logging in JSON format, and specify the IP address or hostname and port number for your Qumulo Broker machine. For example:

    qq audit_set_syslog_config \
      --enable \
      --json \
      --server-address \
      --server-port 514

    Qumulo Core enables audit logging for your cluster.

  2. To confirm the audit logging configuration for your cluster, run the qq audit_get_syslog_config command.

    In the following example output, audit logging is enabled in JSON format.

      "enabled": true,
      "format": "json",
      "local_enabled": false,
      "server_address": "",
      "server_port": 514
  3. To confirm the connection between the Qumulo Broker and the rsyslog instance, run the qq audit_get_syslog_status command.

    The command returns one of three possible values for the connection_status field:

    • AUDIT_LOG_CONNECTED: The rsyslog instance is connected to your Qumulo Broker machine and all audit log messages are being transferred correctly.

    • AUDIT_LOG_DISCONNECTED: The rsyslog instance is disconnected from your Qumulo Broker. Your Qumulo cluster is configured to buffer all outgoing audit log messages until it fills its buffer. When the rsyslog instance reconnects to your Qumulo Broker the cluster attempts to send all buffered messages.

    • AUDIT_LOG_DISABLED: Audit logging has been disabled explicitly for this Qumulo cluster.

Step 4: Configure rsyslog to Communicate with Qumulo Broker

This section explains how to configure rsyslog on the Qumulo Broker machine.

  1. Change the file permission of the Qumulo Broker binary file.

    chmod a+x /opt/qumulo/QumuloBroker/events/Broker

Configuring rsyslog to Communicate with a Single Cluster

Configure the following rsyslog parameters in the /etc/rsyslog.d/10-qumulo.conf file.

The following complete, annotated configuration file lets rsyslog on the Qumulo Broker machine communicate with a single Qumulo cluster.


# TCP connection for receiving audit logs
input(type="imtcp" port="514")

# To let rsyslog use standard input (to pass messages to an external 
# script that parses and performs custom processing on audit log data),
# load the omprog syslog module.

if ($app-name startswith "qumulo") then {
  # If the log show an issue related to audit log operations, uncomment
  # the following line and restart the resyslog service.
  # action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/qumulo_audit.log")
    # Invoke the omprog module
    # The full path and any CLI parameters for the external script
    # The queue type to use

    # The maximum queue size (100,000 messages)
    # Tip: To configure rsyslog to communicate with multiple Qumulo 
    #      clusters, set this value to 200,000.
    # When enabled, the system saves data while shutting down

    # The maximum number of worker threads that can run in parallel
    # Tip: To configure rsyslog to communicate with multiple Qumulo
    #      clusters, set this value to 16.

    # The number of messages that a worker thread processes before 
    # rsyslog creates another worker thread. For example, if you set 
    # queue.workerThreads to 200 and there are 201 messages in the 
    # queue, rsyslog creates a second worker thread.
    # Note: The queue.workerThreads parameter limits the maximum 
    #       value of the queue.size parameter.
    # The interval after which the system retries the action, 30
    # seconds by default. If multiple retries fail, in order to prevent
    # the excessive resource use, the system extends the interval
    # automatically by using a specific formula.
    # Note: The suspension interval increases as the number of
    #       retries increases.
    # The location where the system stores the output of the
    # publisher script for system troubleshooting.
} else
  action(type="omfile" file="/dev/null")

Configuring rsyslog to Communicate with Multiple Clusters

The queue.size and queue.workerThreads rsyslog parameters in the /etc/rsyslog.d/10-qumulo.conf file let rsyslog on the Qumulo Broker machine communicate with multiple Qumulo clusters.

  • queue.size: Set the maximum size of the queue to 200,000 messages

  • queue.workerThreads: Set the maximum number of worker threads that can run in parallel to 16 threads

To restart the rsyslog service, run the systemctl restart rsyslog command.