This section explains how to use the qq auth_list_privileges command.

For more information, see:

To view all existing users and groups with role-based control for your Qumulo cluster, run the qq auth_list_roles command.


To View the Privileges for an Existing Qumulo Core Role

Run the qq auth_list_privileges command and use grep to filter only the privileges that contain the word SMB. For example:

qq auth_list_privileges | grep SMB

To Create a Custom Qumulo Core Role with Multiple Privileges

For this operation, you must run the qq auth_list_privileges and qq auth_create_role commands.

  1. Run the qq auth_list_privileges command and use grep to write only the privileges that contain the word WRITE to the privileges.txt file. For example:

    qq auth_list_privileges | \
      grep WRITE > privileges.txt
  2. Run the qq auth_create_role command and specify the privileges.txt file to create a custom role. For example:

    qq auth_create_role -r "Write-Everything" \
     -d "Can write, create, modify everything" \
     -p all-write-privileges.txt


List all privileges or privileges associated with a role.


qq auth_list_privileges [-h] [-r ROLE] [-v] [--json]


Flag Name Required Description
-r No List privileges associated with a role.
-v No Show granted and denied privileges with --role.
--json No Print JSON representation of the privileges.