This section explains how to install, start and stop, and configure Qumulo Alerts.


This section lists the prerequisites for Qumulo Alerts.

Firewall Ports

Qumulo Alerts requires the following firewall ports to be open from the Qumulo Alerts instance

Port Target
25, 587, or 465 Email server
3000 Any client that queries or views Grafana dashboards
8000 Qumulo cluster

System Requirements

We recommend the following system requirements for Qumulo Alerts.

  • 4-core processor
  • 16 GB memory
  • 500 GB disk space


Before you install Qumulo Alerts, make sure you have the following tools:

Configuration Details

Before you connect Qumulo Alerts to a Qumulo cluster, collect the information that can help you configure Qumulo Alerts to monitor your cluster.

  • Cluster Address: Use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) rather than an IP address.
  • Traffic Distribution: Will your Qumulo Alerts installation use a network load balancer or a floating IP address?
  • Default Plugin Frequency: What should be the default frequency for plugin execution? (You can specify the frequency in minutes or seconds.)
  • Alarm and Alert Types: Which alarms and alerts will Qumulo Alerts will collect from your Qumulo cluster?

Installing Qumulo Alerts

This section explains how to install Qumulo Alerts on your machine.

Step 1: Clone the Qumulo Alerts Repository

Navigate to the directory where you want Git to download files and run the following command.

git clone

Git creates a directory called QumuloAlerts and places the necessary files in it.

Step 2: Create a Local User for Qumulo Alerts

To be able to generate access tokens, you must create a local user for Qumulo Alerts.

  1. Use SSH to log in to any node in your cluster.

  2. To create a local user, run the qq auth_add_user command and specify a name and password.

    qq auth_add_user --name QumuloAlerts \
      --password HTEj0kGIOsNOAA0 
  3. You need the user ID that appears in the command output to create a role for Qumulo Alerts.

    In the following example, the user ID is 1234.

      "can_change_password": true,
      "home_directory": null,
      "id": "1234",
      "name": "QumuloAlerts",
      "primary_group": "999",
      "sid": "S-1-5-21-1234567890-345678912-1234567890-1234",
      "uid": ""

Step 3: Create a Qumulo Core Role for Qumulo Alerts

  1. Log in to the Qumulo Core Web UI and then click Cluster > Role Management.

  2. On the Role Management page, click Create Role.

  3. On the Create Role page:

    1. Enter QumuloAlerts.

    2. Enter a description, for example This account lets an administrator restrict the privileges of the QumuloAlerts user.

  4. For Privileges, click all of the following:

    • ACCESS_TOKENS_READ: View any access tokens present in the system
    • AD_READ: Read Qumulo Active Directory Settings
    • ANALYTICS_READ: Read cluster analytics
    • AUDIT_READ: Read audit settings
    • CHECKSUMMING_READ: View the status of checksumming
    • CLUSTER_READ: View nodes, disks, protection status, and SSL certificate
    • DNS_READ: Read DNS setting
    • ENCRYPTION_READ: View the status of at rest encryption
    • FILE_FULL_ACCESS: Provides full access to all files regardless of permissions
    • FS_ATTRIBUTES_READ: Read file system statistics
    • FS_DELETE_TREE_READ: View the status of directory tree delete operations
    • FS_KEY_MANAGEMENT_READ: Read and list public keys for various FS security features
    • FS_LOCK_READ: View NLM and SMB locks and waiters
    • FS_SETTINGS_READ: View file system permissions settings
    • FTP_READ: View FTP status and settings
    • IDENTITY_MAPPING_READ: Get AD/LDAP User Defined Mappings
    • IDENTITY_READ: Use Qumulo's identity lookup and translation APIs
    • KERBEROS_KEYTAB_READ: View Kerberos keytab
    • KERBEROS_SETTINGS_READ: Read Kerberos settings
    • LDAP_READ: View LDAP settings
    • LOCAL_GROUP_READ: View local groups and members
    • LOCAL_USER_READ: Get information about local users
    • METRICS_READ: Get all metrics
    • NETWORK_IP_ALLOCATION_READ: View network IP address allocations
    • NETWORK_READ: Read network status and settings
    • NFS_EXPORT_READ: Read network status and settings
    • NFS_SETTINGS_READ: Internal-Only</code>: View NFS server settings
    • QUOTA_READ: View all file system quotas
    • REBOOT_READ: View Reboot Status
    • RECONCILER_READ: View reconciler status and metrics
    • REPLICATION_OBJECT_READ: View object store relationship settings and status
    • REPLICATION_SOURCE_READ: View source relationship settings and status
    • REPLICATION_TARGET_READ: View target relationship settings and status
    • ROLE_READ: View roles and assignments
    • S3_BUCKETS_READ: View all S3 buckets present in the system
    • S3_CREDENTIALS_READ: View any S3 access key present in the system
    • S3_SETTINGS_READ: View S3 server settings
    • S3_UPLOADS_READ: View all S3 uploads present in the system.
    • SAML_SETTINGS_READ: View SAML integration settings
    • SMB_FILE_HANDLE_READ: List open SMB file handles
    • SMB_SESSION_READ: List logged on SMB sessions
    • SMB_SHARE_READ: View configuration of SMB shares and SMB server settings
    • SNAPSHOT_CALCULATE_USED_CAPACITY_READ: Recalculate capacity usage of snapshots
    • SNAPSHOT_DIFFERENCE_READ: View the changes between snapshots
    • SNAPSHOT_POLICY_READ: View snapshot policies and status
    • SNAPSHOT_READ: List snapshots and view their status and cached capacity.
    • SUPPORT_READ: View support configuration and status
    • TENANT_READ: View any tenant information
    • TIME_READ: View time and time settings
    • UNCONFIGURED_NODE_READ: List unconfigured Qumulo nodes
    • UPGRADE_READ: View upgrade configuration and status
  5. Click Save.

Step 4: Assign the Qumulo Alerts Role to Your Local Qumulo Core User

  1. In the Qumulo Core Web UI, click Cluster > Role Management.

  2. On the Role Management page, in the QumuloAlerts section, click Add Member.

  3. In the Add Member to Administrators dialog box, for Trustee, enter the local username you have created earlier (for example, QumuloAlerts) and then click Yes, Add Member.

Step 5: Create a Long-Lived Access Token

Run the auth_create_access_token command and specify the ID of the local user. For example:

qq auth_create_access_token auth_id:1234

The auth_create_access_token command returns a JSON response that contains the bearer token body and the access token ID, which you can use to manage the access token.

  "bearer_token": "access-v1:abAcde...==",
  "id": "12345678901234567890123"

For more information, see Using Qumulo Core Access Tokens in the Qumulo On-Premises Administrator Guide.

Starting and Stopping Qumulo Alerts

  • To start Qumulo Alerts, run the ./ command from the Qumulo Alerts directory.

  • To stop Qumulo Alerts, run the ./ command from the Qumulo Alerts directory.

Configuring Qumulo Alerts

This section explains how to use the alerts CLI and how to configure Qumulo Alerts

Step 1: Configure the alerts CLI for Your Operating System

Qumulo Alerts comes with the following binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  • alerts.macos-latest
  • alerts.redhat-8
  • alerts.ubuntu-20.04
  • alerts.ubuntu-latest

To Configure the alerts CLI for Linux

  1. Link the binary for your operating system to the alerts CLI. For example:

    ln -s alerts.ubuntu-20.04 alerts
  2. Make the binary file executable. For example:

    chmod a+x alerts.ubuntu-20.04

To Configure the alerts CLI for Windows

  1. Copy to your Windows machine.

  2. Rename the file to alerts.exe

Step 2: Log in to Qumulo Alerts

  1. To log in to Qumulo Alerts, run the ./alerts login -u admin command.

  2. When prompted, enter the following:

    • Login: admin

    • Password: Admin123

Step 3: Configure Qumulo Alerts

  1. Configure integration with an email server or with SMS (ClickSend).

  2. Configure alarm and alert notifications.

  3. Configure Collection of Alarms and Alerts from a Qumulo Cluster.