This section lists the alarms and alerts that Qumulo Alerts collects and processes.


The following alarms report hardware changes in a Qumulo cluster.

Plugin Name Description
CPU Temperature deviation
Disks Failure, state change
Fans Speed deviation, failure
Network Link failure
Nodes Addition, failure
PSU Power supply failure


The following alerts report software changes and changes in environmental conditions for a Qumulo cluster.

Plugin Name Description
AD Joining or leaving an Active Directory domain
Audit Auditing enabled or disabled
Capacity Change in cluster capacity (configured percentage of the entire cluster)
Exports NFS exports created, modified, or deleted
FTP FTP enabled or disabled
Groups Local groups added, modified, or deleted
Monitoring Cloud-based monitoring enabled, disabled, or unreachable
Quotas Quota notification (configured percentage for specified directories)
Replication Replication added, deleted, enabled, or disabled; or an error message
Restriper Restriper started, stopped, or percentage complete
Shares SMB shares added, modified, or deleted
Softquotas Soft quota notification (configured percentage for specified directories)
Users Local users added, modified, or deleted
VPN Remote Support enabled or disabled


The following informational notifications show performance and status information for a Qumulo cluster.

Plugin Name Description
Metrics Performance metrics (throughput, IOPS, and latency)
OSUpgrade Qumulo Core upgrade