This section introduces the Qumulo Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver and explains how you can connect your Kubernetes cluster to your Qumulo cluster by using the Qumulo CSI driver.

To automate container storage, enable dynamic volumes, and help you scale your application container images based on usage and workflows, Qumulo uses its CSI driver to connect the Kubernetes orchestrator to Qumulo persistent storage. (In comparison, for example, the NFS CSI Driver for Kubernetes requires unprivileged NFS access for dynamic volumes and doesn’t support volume sizing and expansion.)

For general driver information, see the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Specification.

Supported Features

The Qumulo CSI Driver supports:

  • Static and dynamic (expansion) provisioning over NFSv3

  • The following Persistent Volume Claim access modes:

    • ReadOnlyMany

    • ReadWriteMany

    • ReadWriteOnce

    • ReadWriteOncePod

  • NFSv4.1

Unsupported Features


  • A Qumulo cluster

  • Kubernetes 1.19 (and higher)

Connecting Your Qumulo Cluster to Kubernetes

This section explains how you can configure, provision, and mount Qumulo storage for each Pod (a logical wrapper for a container) on Kubernetes by using dynamic provisioning. This gives you more control over persistent volume capacity.

Step 1: Install the Qumulo CSI Driver

  1. Log in to a machine that has kubectl and can access your Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Download the .zip file or use one of the following commands.

    • S3:

      aws s3 cp s3://csi-driver-qumulo/ ./
    • HTTP:

  3. Extract the contents of the .zip file.

  4. Run the shell script and specify the current release version. For example:

    • Linux:

      cd deploy_v1.1.0
      chmod +x
    • Windows:

      cd deploy_v1.1.0

    The script configures Qumulo’s prebuilt Elastic Container Registry (ECR) image (from and installs it on your Kubernetes system.

Step 2: Configure Volume and NFS Export Paths

To prepare your Qumulo cluster for connecting to your Kubernetes cluster, you must first configure your volume and NFS export paths on your Qumulo cluster by setting the following parameters for each storage class that you define.

  1. For storeRealPath, from the root of the Qumulo file system, create a directory for storing volumes on your Qumulo cluster, for example /csi/volumes1.

  2. For storeExportPath, create the NFS export for hosting the persistent volume.

  3. If your cluster has more than one tenant, specify the tenant ID that contains your NFS export for the tenantId parameter. For more information, see Configure Multi-Tenancy with Qumulo on Qumulo Care.

Step 3: Configure Credentials

To connect your Kubernetes cluster to your Qumulo cluster, you must either use an existing account or create a new account for the CSI driver to communicate with the Qumulo API.

  1. Configure a username and password for a user on your Qumulo cluster.

  2. The configured username must have the following file permissions:

    • Lookup on storeRealPath

    • Create directories in storeRealPath

    • Create and modify quotas:




    • Perform TreeDelete operations on volume directories: PRIVILEGE_FS_DELETE_TREE_WRITE

For more information, see Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with Qumulo Core on Qumulo Care.

Step 4: Create and Configure Secrets

To allow the CSI driver to operate with your Qumulo cluster, you must create and configure Secrets. You may use either Basic Authentication with a username and password, or an Access Token. Depending on configuration, Basic Authentication may be disallowed and using an Access Token will be required.

  1. Configure one of the following authentication types.

    • Basic Authentication:

      kubectl create secret generic cluster1-login \
        --type="" \
        --from-literal=username=bill \
        --from-literal=password=SuperSecret \
    • Access Token:

      kubectl create secret generic cluster1-login \
        --from-literal=access_token="$TOKEN" \
  2. Give the CSI driver access to the Secrets. For example:

    kubectl create role access-secrets \
      --verb=get,list,watch \
      --resource=secrets \
      --namespace kube-system
    kubectl create rolebinding \
      --role=access-secrets default-to-secrets \
      --serviceaccount=kube-system:csi-qumulo-controller-sa \
      --namespace kube-system

Step 5: Create a Storage Class

To link your Kubernetes cluster to your Qumulo cluster, you must create a storage class on your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Begin with the example Qumulo storage class configuration.

    kind: StorageClass
      name: cluster1
      storeRealPath: "/regions/4234/volumes"
      storeExportPath: "/some/export" cluster1-login kube-system cluster1-login kube-system
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    volumeBindingMode: Immediate
      - nolock
      - proto=tcp
      - vers=3
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
  2. Edit the configuration for your Qumulo cluster.

    1. Name your storage class.

    2. Specify server and storeRealPath.

    3. Specify storeExportPath.

    4. (Optional) Specify tenantId.

    5. Configure the following parameters to point to the Secrets that you have created and configured in the namespace in which you installed the CSI driver:

      • controller-expand-secret-name

      • controller-expand-secret-namespace

      • provisioner-secret-name

      • provisioner-secret-namespace

    6. Specify the NFS mountOptions. For example:

        - nolock
        - proto=tcp
        - vers=3
    7. To create the class, apply the configuration. For example:

    kubectl create -f storageclass-qumulo.yaml

Step 6: Create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) and Apply it to a Pod

To apply a PVC claim to a Pod dynamically, you must first configure and create it.

  1. Begin with the example PVC configuration.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: claim1
        - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: cluster1
          storage: 1Gi
  2. Edit the configuration for your PVC claim.

    1. Name your claim.

    2. Change storeClassName to the name of your claim.

    3. Specify the capacity in This parameter lets you create a quota on your Qumulo cluster.

    4. To create the claim, apply the configuration. For example:

      kubectl apply -f dynamic-pvc.yaml
  3. Use the claim in a Pod or a Deployment. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: claim1-pod
        - name: cluster1
            claimName: claim1
        - name: claim1-container
          image: ...
            - mountPath: "/cluster1"
              name: cluster1
  4. You can launch and use your container image.