This section explains the main functionality of Cloud Native Qumulo on Azure (CNQ), shows the reference architecture, and lists the known limits. In addition, it provides an overview of the two-phase deployment, the post-deployment actions, and deployment optimization.

What is Cloud Native Qumulo on Azure?

CNQ on Azure is a self-managed deployment that provisions Azure Compute instances and other infrastructure for a Qumulo file system, which allows the disaggregation of persistent storage from compute resources. You can deploy CNQ on Azure by using Terraform.

CNQ on Azure provides the same multi-protocol support, interfaces, and functionality as Qumulo on premises.

Reference Architecture

Cloud Native Qumulo on Azure Architecture Diagram

Overview of Deploying CNQ on Azure

This section outlines the process of configuring and deploying CNQ on Azure.

  1. Create persistent storage by using Azure Storage Accounts.

  2. Deploy cluster compute and cache resources.

  3. Perform post-deployment actions.

  4. Optimize your deployment.