This section explains the different formats of audit logs for file system operations that Qumulo Core generates whenever a connected client sends a request to a Qumulo cluster.

Qumulo Core creates a descriptive audit log message for every operation that a client attempts. Then, Qumulo Core sends the audit log messages to the remote syslog instance that the audit logging configuration specifies in compliance with RFC 5424 .

This section explains the differences between the levels of detail of audit logs in syslog CSV, syslog JSON, and CloudWatch JSON formats. (In general, the syslog CSV and CloudWatch JSON formats contain audit logs contain an identical number of fields, some named differently, while the syslog JSON format has additional audit logging information.)

Details Included in the Default syslog CSV Format

By default, Qumulo Core formats audit log messages in the syslog CSV format, prefaced by the date, time, and the name of the machine that issues the operation. The syslog CSV format includes the following fields in the following order within the log message body.

Field Description Possible Values
User IP address The IP address of the user that performed the operation.
  • IPv4 address
  • IPv6 address
User ID The ID of the user who performed the operation. String in quotation marks:
  • Active Directory (AD) username
  • Qumulo local username
  • POSIX user ID (UID)
  • Windows security identifier (SID)
  • Qumulo authentication ID
Protocol The protocol that the operation uses.
  • api
  • ftp
  • internal
  • nfsv3
  • nfsv4.1
  • s3
  • smb
Operation Type The operation that the user or the system attempts to perform.
Operation Status A success status or an error status.
File ID The ID of the file on which the system performed an operation. Integer
File Path The path to the file on which the system performed an operation. String in quotation marks
Target File Path The target path to the file on which the system performed a rename or move operation. String in quotation marks

For example:

Jun 6 14:52:28 my-machine qumulo,"system",internal,remote_syslog_startup,ok,,"",""
Jun 6 14:52:28 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,audit_modify_syslog_config,ok,,"",""
Jun 6 14:52:40 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,rest_login,ok,,"",""
Jun 6 14:53:22 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,fs_read_metadata,ok,3,"/my_file",""
Jun 6 14:53:22 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,fs_write_metadata,ok,3,"/my_file",""
Jun 6 14:53:22 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,fs_write_data,ok,3,"/my_file",""
Jun 6 14:54:05 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,fs_rename,ok,3,"/my_file","/another_file"
Jun 6 14:55:24 my-machine qumulo,"AD\alice",api,begin_audit_modify_syslog_config,ok,,"",""
Jun 6 14:55:24 my-machine qumulo,"system",internal,remote_syslog_shutdown,ok,,"","

Details Included in the syslog JSON Format

You can configure Qumulo Core to format audit log messages in the syslog JSON format. The fields in this format are similar to the fields that the syslog CSV format provides, with the following exceptions.

Field Description Possible Values
user_id Object In Qumulo Core 6.0.1 (and higher) the user_id object replaces the single user ID field in the syslog CSV format and contains the fields sid, auth_id, and name.
  • sid: Security identifier
  • auth_id: Authentication ID
  • name: User role
details Object
  • For most file system operations, the details object replaces the file path, secondary file path, and file ID fields in the syslog CSV format and contains the fields path, target, and file_id.
  • For fs_write_* and fs_read_* operations, the details object also includes the offset and file_size fields.
  • For operations that write metadata or change access-control lists (ACLs), the details object also includes the after and before objects that include fields for current and previous metadata.
  • details object:
    • path: File path
    • target: Target file path
    • file_id: File ID
    fs_write_* and fs_read_* operations only:
    • offset: The starting position of the operation
    • file_size: The size of the operation
  • after and before objects:
    • ctime: Changed timestamp
    • mtime: Modified timestamp
    • owner
      • sid: Security identifier
      • auth_id: Authentication ID

For example:

Jun 6 14:52:28 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"auth_id": "1", "sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-1", "name": "system"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "internal", "operation": "remote_syslog_startup", "status": "ok", "details": {}}
Jun 6 14:52:28 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "auth_id": "500", "name": "AD\alice"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "audit_modify_syslog_config", "status": "ok", "details": {"second_extra_name": "", "extra_name": ""}}
Jun 6 14:52:40 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"auth_id": "500", "name": "AD\alice", "sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "rest_login", "status": "ok", "details": {"second_extra_name": "", "extra_name": ""}}
Jun 6 14:53:22 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "name": "AD\alice", "auth_id": "500"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_read_metadata", "status": "ok", "details": {"path": "/my_file", "file_id": "4"}}
Jun 6 14:53:22 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"name": "AD\alice", "sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "auth_id": "500"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_write_metadata", "status": "ok", "details": {"file_id": "4", "after": {"ctime": "2024-06-11T14:55:58.187394089Z", "mtime": "2024-06-11T14:55:58.187394089Z", "owner": {"sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "auth_id": "500"}}, "path": "/my_file", "before": {"ctime": "2024-06-11T14:55:43.616292461Z", "mtime": "2024-06-11T14:55:43.616292461Z", "owner": {"sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "auth_id": "500"}}}}
Jun 6 14:53:22 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"auth_id": "500", "sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "name": "AD\alice"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_write_data", "status": "ok", "details": {"path": "/my_file", "size": 261456, "file_id": "4", "offset": 0, "file_size": 261456}}
Jun 6 14:54:05 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"name": "AD\alice", "auth_id": "500", "sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_rename", "status": "fs_entry_exists_error", "details": {"path": "/my_file", "target": "/another_file", "file_id": "4"}}
Jun 6 14:55:24 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-500", "auth_id": "500", "name": "AD\alice"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "api", "operation": "begin_audit_modify_syslog_config", "status": "ok", "details": {"second_extra_name": "", "extra_name": ""}}
Jun 6 14:55:24 my-machine qumulo {"user_id": {"auth_id": "1", "sid": "S-1-5-21-9876543210-5678901234-1234567890-1", "name": "system"}, "user_ip": "", "protocol": "internal", "operation": "remote_syslog_shutdown", "status": "ok", "details": {}}

Details Included in the Amazon CloudWatch JSON Format

You can configure Qumulo Core to format audit log messages in the Amazon CloudWatch JSON format.

Rather than preface each line of CSV or JSON with the date and time, CloudWatch creates an ASCII table, which contains Unix timestamps in its first column. The second column contains the fields that are similar to the fields that both the syslog CSV format and the syslog JSON format provide, with the following exceptions.

  • The result field replaces the Operation Status or status field.

  • The object_id field replaces the File ID file_id field.

  • The path_1 field replaces the File Path or path field.

  • The path_2 field replaces the Target File Path or target field.

For example:

|   timestamp   |                                                                                         message                                                                                    |
| 1717679548000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "system", "protocol": "internal", "operation": "remote_syslog_startup", "result": "ok", "object_id": "", "path_1": "", "path_2": ""}         |
| 1717679548000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "audit_modify_syslog_config", "result": "ok", "object_id": "", "path_1": "", "path_2": ""}       |
| 1717679560000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "rest_login", "result": "ok", "object_id": "", "path_1": "", "path_2": ""}                       |
| 1717679602000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_read_metadata", "result": "ok", "object_id": "3", "path_1": "/my_file", "path_2": ""}        |
| 1717679602000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_write_metadata", "result": "ok", "object_id": "3", "path_1": "/my_file", "path_2": ""}       |
| 1717679602000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_write_data", "result": "ok", "object_id": "3", "path_1": "/my_file", "path_2": ""}           |
| 1717679645000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "fs_rename", "result": "ok", "object_id": "3", "path_1": "/my_file", "path_2": "/another_file"}  |
| 1717679724000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "AD\alice", "protocol": "api", "operation": "begin_audit_modify_syslog_config", "result": "ok", "object_id": "", "path_1": "", "path_2": ""} |
| 1717679724000 | {"ip_address": "", "user": "system", "protocol": "internal", "operation": "remote_syslog_shutdown", "result": "ok", "object_id": "", "path_1": "", "path_2": ""}        |

Operation Names in Audit Logging

This section lists the operation names in Qumulo Core audit logging.

Connectivity Operations

  • ftp_login
  • nfs_mount
  • rest_login
  • share_connect
  • smb_close_handle
  • smb_close_session
  • smb_login

SMB-Specific Operations

  • smb_create_share
  • smb_modify_share
  • smb_delete_share
  • smb2_notify_req

Audit Logging Operations

  • remote_syslog_shutdown
  • remote_syslog_startup

File System Operations

  • fs_copy_chunk
  • fs_create_directory
  • fs_create_directories
  • fs_create_file
  • fs_create_hard_link
  • fs_create_symlink
  • fs_create_stream
  • fs_create
  • fs_delete
  • fs_fsstat
  • fs_list_directory
  • fs_open
  • fs_read_data
  • fs_read_link
  • fs_read_metadata
  • fs_read_user_metadata
  • fs_rename
  • fs_set_quota
  • fs_tree_delete
  • fs_write_data
  • fs_write_metadata
  • fs_write_file_lock
  • fs_write_user_metadata

REST API Operations

Click to expand
  • ad_cancel_operation
  • ad_dismiss_error
  • ad_join
  • ad_kerberos_renew_ticket
  • ad_leave
  • ad_modify_settings
  • ad_reconfigure
  • audit_modify_cloudwatch_config
  • audit_modify_syslog_config
  • auth_add_group
  • auth_add_member_to_group
  • auth_assign_role
  • auth_create_access_token
  • auth_create_role
  • auth_create_user
  • auth_delete_access_token
  • auth_delete_group
  • auth_delete_identity_attributes
  • auth_delete_role
  • auth_delete_user
  • auth_get_access_token
  • auth_get_access_tokens
  • auth_modify_access_token
  • auth_modify_group
  • auth_modify_identity_attributes
  • auth_modify_role
  • auth_modify_user
  • auth_modify_user_password
  • auth_remove_member_from_group
  • auth_set_user_defined_mappings
  • auth_unassign_role
  • cluster_add_nodes
  • cluster_calculate_node_add_capacity
  • cluster_generate_vpn_private_key
  • cluster_initiate_node_replacement_plan
  • cluster_install_vpn_keys
  • cluster_locate_disk_slot
  • cluster_modify_config
  • cluster_modify_monitoring_config
  • cluster_modify_nodes
  • cluster_modify_nodes_dry_run
  • cluster_modify_upgrade_config
  • cluster_nodes_resolve_indeterminate_modification
  • dns_create
  • dns_delete
  • dns_modify
  • dns_set_lookup_overrides
  • encryption_create_key
  • encryption_rotate_keys
  • encryption_update_config
  • fs_create_public_key
  • fs_delete_public_key
  • fs_modify_atime_settings
  • fs_modify_notify_settings
  • fs_modify_permissions_settings
  • fs_modify_public_key
  • fs_release_nlm_locks_by_client
  • fs_release_nlm_locks_by_file
  • fs_replace_public_key
  • fs_sample
  • ftp_modify_settings
  • identity_create
  • identity_delete
  • identity_modify
  • kerberos_delete_keytab
  • kerberos_modify_settings
  • kerberos_set_keytab
  • ldap_modify_settings
  • network_create_config
  • network_delete_config
  • network_modify_config
  • network_modify_interface
  • nfs_create_export
  • nfs_delete_export
  • nfs_delete_settings
  • nfs_modify_export
  • nfs_modify_settings
  • node_halt
  • node_restart
  • node_set_identify_light
  • reboot_pause
  • reboot_resume
  • reboot_start
  • replication_abort
  • replication_abort_object_relationship
  • replication_authorize_target_relationship
  • replication_create_object_relationship
  • replication_create_source_relationship
  • replication_delete_object_relationship
  • replication_delete_source_relationship
  • replication_delete_target_relationship
  • replication_dismiss_source_relationship_error
  • replication_dismiss_target_relationship_error
  • replication_make_target_writable
  • replication_modify_source_relationship
  • replication_reconnect_target_relationship
  • replication_release_queued_snapshot
  • replication_replicate_object_relationship
  • replication_reverse_target_relationship
  • replication_start
  • replication_target_relationship_lock
  • s3_abort_upload
  • s3_add_bucket
  • s3_bucket_policy_explain_access
  • s3_create_key
  • s3_delete_bucket
  • s3_delete_key
  • s3_get_bucket_policy
  • s3_modify_bucket
  • s3_modify_settings
  • s3_put_bucket_policy
  • saml_modify_settings
  • session_change_password
  • shutdown_halt
  • smb_delete_settings
  • smb_modify_settings
  • snapshot_create_policy
  • snapshot_create_snapshot
  • snapshot_delete_policy
  • snapshot_delete_snapshot
  • snapshot_lock_snapshot
  • snapshot_modify_policy
  • snapshot_modify_snapshot
  • snapshot_unlock_snapshot
  • snapshot_unlock_snapshot_challege
  • ssl_delete_ca_certificate
  • ssl_modify_ca_certificate
  • ssl_modify_certificate
  • tenant_create
  • tenant_delete
  • tenant_modify
  • time_modify_config
  • tree_delete_cancel
  • tree_delete_start
  • web_ui_modify_settings

Error Status Messages

This section lists the error status messages in Qumulo Core audit logging.

Credential Error Messages

  • cred_error
  • cred_identity_not_supported_error
  • cred_invalid_local_user_error
  • cred_invalid_sid_error
  • cred_remote_resource_unavailable_error

File System Operation Error Messages

Click to expand
  • fs_access_denied_error
  • fs_access_error
  • fs_access_perm_not_owner_error
  • fs_already_read_only_error
  • fs_default_stream_of_directory_error
  • fs_directory_cycle_error
  • fs_directory_error
  • fs_directory_hash_exhaustion_error
  • fs_directory_is_symlink_error
  • fs_directory_not_empty_error
  • fs_encountered_portal_error
  • fs_entry_exists_error
  • fs_entry_hardlink_ambiguity_error
  • fs_entry_not_in_subtree_error
  • fs_exceeded_maximum_stream_count_error
  • fs_file_dirent_id_stale_error
  • fs_file_is_named_stream_error
  • fs_file_is_symlink_error
  • fs_file_not_covered_by_snapshot_error
  • fs_file_not_empty_error
  • fs_file_path_invalid_error
  • fs_file_size_error
  • fs_file_too_many_links_error
  • fs_invalid_acl_error
  • fs_invalid_attrs_error
  • fs_invalid_file_type_error
  • fs_invalid_name_error
  • fs_invalid_offset_error
  • fs_invalid_size_error
  • fs_name_size_error
  • fs_no_such_entry_error
  • fs_no_such_file_version_error
  • fs_no_such_inode_error
  • fs_no_such_path_error
  • fs_not_a_directory_error
  • fs_not_a_file_error
  • fs_not_a_symlink_error
  • fs_opened_file_stale_error
  • fs_path_size_error
  • fs_permissions_mode_operation_unsupported_error
  • fs_portal_create_orphanage_error
  • fs_portal_disconnected_error
  • fs_portal_ended_error
  • fs_portal_error
  • fs_portal_eviction_error
  • fs_portal_inconsistent_data_error
  • fs_portal_incorrect_state_error
  • fs_portal_invalid_lease_break_range_error
  • fs_portal_not_covered_by_snapshot_error
  • fs_portal_not_found_error
  • fs_portal_out_of_order_lease_break_error
  • fs_quota_limit_already_set_error
  • fs_quota_limit_does_not_exist_error
  • fs_quota_no_space_error
  • fs_read_only_error
  • fs_revision_mismatch_error
  • fs_s3_versioning_full_error
  • fs_same_inode_error
  • fs_sharing_violation_error
  • fs_smb_share_root_deleted_error
  • fs_stream_is_default_error
  • fs_symlink_loop_error
  • fs_tag_mismatch_error
  • fs_too_many_aces_error
  • fs_user_metadata_continuation_token_type_mismatch
  • fs_user_metadata_empty_insertion_error
  • fs_user_metadata_hash_exhaustion_error
  • fs_user_metadata_key_already_exists
  • fs_user_metadata_key_not_found
  • fs_user_metadata_too_large
  • fs_watcher_missed_events_error