This section explains how to lock or unlock a snapshot by using a public key, a private key, a private key in a snapshot policy, or a private key on a target cluster following replication.

How Snapshot Locking Works in Qumulo Core

Qumulo Core allows locking snapshots to prevent them from being deleted before their expiration time. Qumulo Core removes both locked and unlocked snapshots at their expiration time automatically.

While it isn’t possible to delete or shorten the expiration time of a locked snapshot, it is possible to extend the expiration time of a locked snapshot.

You can lock a snapshot by using the following methods.

Locking a Snapshot by Using a Public Key

In Qumulo Core (and higher) you can lock a snapshot by using a public key.

  1. Generate a private key.

  2. Extract a public key from the private key.

  3. Store the public key on your cluster.

  4. Lock your snapshot by using the qq CLI.

Locking a Snapshot by Using a Private Key

In Qumulo Core 6.1.1 (and higher) you can lock a snapshot by using a lock key (private key).

  1. Generate a private key.

  2. Lock your snapshot by using the qq CLI.

Locking a Snapshot by Using a Private Key in a Snapshot Policy

In Qumulo Core (and higher), you can configure a snapshot policy to lock all new snapshots with a lock key (private key).

  1. Generate a private key.

  2. Associate your lock key with a snapshot policy by using the Web UI.

Locking a Snapshot by Using a Private Key on a Target Cluster Following Replication

For clusters in a replication relationship, you can lock a snapshot on the destination cluster after the replication process finishes.

  1. Generate a private key.

  2. Retrieve the relationship ID from the source cluster by using the qq CLI.

  3. Associate your lock key with a replication target relationship by using the qq CLI.

How Snapshot Unlocking Works in Qumulo Core

Unlocking a snapshot requires a cryptographic signature generated from a private key. To unlock a snapshot after its expiration time, use the qq CLI.

Locking and Unlocking Snapshots by Using the qq CLI

This section explains how to lock and unlock snapshots by using the qq CLI.

Locking a Snapshot

Run the qq snapshot_lock_snapshot command and specify the snapshot ID and either the key ID or key name. For example:

qq snapshot_lock_snapshot \
  --id 1682119059 \
  --lock-key my-key-name

Unlocking a Snapshot

Unlocking a snapshot requires proving that you can sign a challenge by using the same key that locked the snapshot.

Run the qq snapshot_unlock_snapshot command and specify the snapshot ID and the path to the private key file. For example:

qq snapshot_unlock_snapshot \
  --id 1682119059 \
  --private-key-file /path/to-my-file.pem

Associating a Lock Key with a Replication Target Relationship by Using the qq CLI

To lock all policy-created snapshots by using a lock key, you can associate the key with a replication target relationship.

How Relationship Reversal Affects Replication

It is important to understand how reversing the relationship between clusters can affect the replication process:

  • If you reverse the relationship by switching the source and target, the new target can’t use the existing key and you must set a key for the new target.

    However, if you revert the relationship by returning the source and target to their original assignments, Qumulo Core lets you use the key from the original source-target relationship.

  • If a target replication relationship uses a key, you can’t disable or delete the key, unless you reverse the relationship.

  • If you disable or delete a key while a target replication relationship is reversed and then return the source and target to their original assignments, you must set a new key to be able to lock future snapshots.

Retrieving the Relationship ID from the Source Cluster

Before you begin, retrieve the relationship ID from the source cluster by using the qq replication_list_source_relationship_statuses command.

If the command returns multiple relationships, you can pipe the command to the following jq query to sort the output. The first column lists the replication IDs.

qq replication_list_source_relationship_statuses | jq -r \
  '(["id", "srcRoot", "tgtRoot", "replicationSnap", \
  "replicationMode", "tgtClusterName", "targetIP"]), \
  (.[] | [.id, .source_root_path, .target_root_path, \
  (if == null then "null" else \ end), \
  .replication_mode, .target_cluster_name, .target_address]) \
  | @tsv' | column -t -s $'\t'

Associating a Lock Key with a Replication Target Relationship

On the target cluster, run the qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock command and specify the relationship ID and key name or ID. For example:

qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock \
  --relationship-id 12345a6b-7c89-0d12-3456-78fe9012f345 \
  --lock-key my-key-name

Disassociating a Lock Key from a Replication Target Relationship

On the target cluster, run the qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock command, specify the relationship ID, and use the --clear-lock-key flag. For example:

qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock \
  --relationship-id 12345a6b-7c89-0d12-3456-78fe9012f345 \