This section explains how to lock or unlock a snapshot by using a key located in the Qumulo file system key store and the qq CLI. In addition, it explains how to lock policy-created snapshots for local policies and for policies that are part of a replication target relationship.

For more information, see Managing Security Keys in the Qumulo File System Key Store.

Locking and Unlocking Snapshots

In Qumulo Core (and higher), you can lock a snapshot by using a key located in the Qumulo file system key store. You can also ensure that a snapshot policy locks all new snapshots with a particular key by associating the key with the snapshot policy.

In Qumulo Core 6.1.1 (and higher), you can ensure that a replication target relationship locks all new policy snapshots with a specific key by associating the key with the replication target.

To Lock a Snapshot by Using the qq CLI

Run the qq snapshot_lock_snapshot command and specify the snapshot ID and either the key ID or key name. For example:

qq snapshot_lock_snapshot \
  --id 1682119059 \
  --lock-key my-key-name

To Unlock a Snapshot by Using the qq CLI

Unlocking a snapshot requires proving that you can sign a challenge by using the same key that locked the snapshot. You can do this by using either of the following methods.

If You Have Direct Access to the Private Key

Run the qq snapshot_unlock_snapshot command and specify the snapshot ID and the path to the private key file. For example:

qq snapshot_unlock_snapshot \
  --id 1682119059 \
  --private-key-file /path/to-my-file.pem

If You Don’t Have Direct Access to the Private Key

If you can use the private key only to sign data, take the following steps.

  1. To receive the unlock challenge, run the qq snapshot_get_unlock_challenge command and specify the snapshot ID. For example:

    qq snapshot_get_unlock_challenge \
      --id 1682119059
  2. To generate a verification signature, use the response from the challenge with your private key.

    For more information about creating a verification signature by using a private key or key management service, see Signing a Security Challenge by Using an ECDSA Private Key.

  3. To unlock the snapshot, run the qq snapshot_unlock_snapshot command and specify the snapshot ID and the Base64-encoded unlock challenge that your private key signed. For example:

    qq snapshot_unlock_snapshot \
      --id 1682119059 \
      --signature "VGhpcyBpcyBteSB1bmxvY2sgY2hhbGxlbmdlLg=="

Associating a Lock Key with a Replication Target Relationship

To lock all policy-created snapshots by using a lock key, you can associate the key with a replication target relationship. Consider the following system behavior:

  • Qumulo Core locks only policy-created snapshots that have an expiration time.

  • If you reverse the relationship by switching the source and target, the new target can’t use the existing key and you must set a key for the new target. However, if you revert the relationship by returning the source and target to their original assignments, Qumulo Core lets you use the key from the original source-target relationship.

  • If a target replication relationship uses a key, you can’t disable or delete the key, unless you reverse the relationship.

  • If you disable or delete a key while a target replication relationship is reversed and then return the source and target to their original assignments, you must set a new key to be able to lock future snapshots.

To Associate a Lock Key with a Replication Target Relationship

Run the qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock command and specify the relationship ID and key name or ID. For example:

qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock \
  --relationship-id 12345a6b-7c89-0d12-3456-78fe9012f345
  --lock-key my-key-name

To Disassociate a Lock Key from a Replication Target Relationship

Run the qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock command and specify the relationship ID and and --clear-lock-key flag. For example:

qq replication_set_target_relationship_lock \
  --relationship-id 12345a6b-7c89-0d12-3456-78fe9012f345