


Streams notifications for file system activity, monitoring only the files in the specified directory by using HTML server-sent events (SSE). The SSE data payload contains JSON-encoded event objects. For example: [{"type": , "path": , "stream_name": }].


Name Description Required
ref The file ID or the absolute path to the file system object. File IDs can be found in the id field of responses of APIs that return file attributes. You must URL-encode the paths. The APIs & Tools page in the Qumulo Core Web UI URL-encodes the paths. Yes
filter A list that indicates the types of notification that you want to receive, in CSV format. If you don't provide the list, the system sends every type of notification. The following are available notification types:* child_file_added * child_dir_added * child_file_removed * child_dir_removed * child_file_moved_from * child_file_moved_to * child_dir_moved_from * child_dir_moved_to * child_btime_changed * child_mtime_changed * child_atime_changed * child_size_changed * child_extra_attrs_changed * child_acl_changed * child_owner_changed * child_group_changed * child_data_written * child_stream_added * child_stream_removed * child_stream_moved_from * child_stream_moved_to * child_stream_size_changed * child_stream_data_written * self_removed No
recursive Specifies whether notifications are recursive. A recursive notification emits events for all files in the entire directory tree of the specified directory. A non-recursive notification emits events only for files that are immediately below (but not further down the directory tree) for the specified directory. To configure recursion for notifications, use the /v1/file-system/settings/notify REST API resource. No



Code Description
200 Return value on success