This section explains the LEDs on Quiver 1UH Gen2 nodes.

Front Panel LEDs and Buttons

On the front, right side of your node, there are four LEDs.

Label Color and Behavior Description
Power Button with LED 🔵 (solid blue) On
Power Button with LED 🔵 (blinking blue) Standby or sleep
ID LED Off No ID requested
ID LED 🔵 (solid blue) Selected unit ID
Status LED Off Operation normal
Status LED 🟠 (solid amber) DC off and critical error
Status LED 🟠 (blinking amber) DC on and critical error
HDD Row LED Off Operation normal
HDD Row LED 🟠 (blinking amber) Fault

NVMe Drive Carrier LEDs

Each NVMe drive carrier has one LED.

Color or Behavior Description
🔵 (solid blue) Drive present
🟠 (solid amber) Drive failed
Off Slot empty