This section explains how to use the qq nfs_mod_export command.


Modify an export


qq nfs_mod_export [-h] (--export-id EXPORT_ID | --export-path EXPORT_PATH) [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--new-export-path NEW_EXPORT_PATH] [--new-tenant-id NEW_TENANT_ID]
    [--fs-path FS_PATH] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--no-restrictions | --restrictions JSON_FILE_PATH] [--create-fs-path]
    [--fields-to-present-as-32-bit FIELD [FIELD ...]]


Flag Name Required Description
--export-id No ID of export to modify
--export-path No Path of export to modify
--tenant-id No ID of the tenant the export is in. Only used if using the --export-path argument.
--new-export-path No Change NFS export path
--new-tenant-id No Change tenant that export is in
--fs-path No Change file system path
--description No Description of this export
--no-restrictions No Specify no restrictions for this export.
--restrictions No Path to local file containing the restrictions in JSON format. host_restrictions is a comma separated list of IPs/ IP ranges/ hostnames/ wildcarded hostnames/ and the strings KRB5@, KRB5I@, and KRB5P@ for the 3 kerberos security flavors: basic auth, Integrity, and Privacy. user_mapping can be "none"|"root"|"all". map_to_user may be "{ "id_type": "LOCAL_USER", "id_value": "" }" or "{ "id_type": "NFS_UID", "id_value": "" }". map_to_group may be "{ "id_type": "NFS_GID", "id_value": "". If user_mapping is not "none", then either specify map_to_user as a local user or specify both map_to_user and map_to_group as NFS user/group. ==Example JSON==: { "restrictions" : [ { "read_only" : true, "host_restrictions" : [ "", "" ], "user_mapping" : "root", "map_to_user": { "id_type" : "LOCAL_USER", "id_value" : "500" } }, { "read_only" : false, "host_restrictions" : [ "KRB5@" ], "user_mapping" : "none" }, { "read_only" : true, "host_restrictions" : [], "user_mapping" : "all", "map_to_user" :{ "id_type" : "NFS_UID", "id_value" : "500" }, "map_to_group": { "id_type" : "NFS_GID", "id_value" : "501" } } ] }
--create-fs-path No Creates the specified file system path if it does not exist
--fields-to-present-as-32-bit No Fields that should be forced to fit in 32 bits for this export, to support legacy clients and applications. FILE_IDS will hash file IDs (inode numbers), which can be observed by "stat", and is also necessary for some deprecated linux system calls (e.g. to list a directory) to work. FS_SIZE saturates the available, used, and total capacity reported to tools like "df" to 4GiB. FILE_SIZES saturates the reported size of individual files to 4GiB, and should be used with caution as it could cause application misbehavior in the handling of larger files. NONE explicitly specifies no 32 bit mapping.