This section explains how to use the qq snapshot_list_statuses command.


List the information for every snapshot.


qq snapshot_list_statuses [-h] [--exclude-in-delete | --only-in-delete] [--exclude-locked | --only-locked]


Flag Name Required Description
--exclude-in-delete No Exclude all snapshots in process of being deleted from the list. You can use this flag together with the --exclude-locked or --only-locked flag.
--only-in-delete No Display only snapshots in process of being deleted. You can use this flag together with the --exclude-locked or --only-locked flag.
--exclude-locked No Exclude all locked snapshots from the list. You can use this flag together with the --exclude-in-delete or --only-in-delete flag.
--only-locked No List only locked snapshots. You can use this flag together with the --exclude-in-delete or --only-in-delete flag.